Astronomy Picture Of The Day

What is it?

APOD is a Progressive Web Application. To know what a PWA is, see this: Progressive Web App

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration or better known as NASA, the branch of the United States responsible for civilian space program, is responsible for an amazing project known as - 'Astronomy Picture of The Day'. They release an awesome image everyday. And since this is NASA, you can expect some absolute belters!

They also have an API that lets us application developers use these images. And this is exactly what I have done. This application displays the APOD's in a beautiful way. Also as an added perk, if an image of the day catches your eye, you can save it and view it at any time of your choice, even if you don't have an internet connection.


Where Can I Find It?

The application is live and can be found here: Astronomy Picture of The Day

The Official NASA version can be found here: NASA APOD

