Offline Wikia

What is it?

Offline Wikia is a Progressive Web Application. To know what a PWA is, see this: Progressive Web App

If you visit the official Wikia website, you will observe that some of the articles can be very long. So long infact that they are novellas in their own right. Unless you have got an eternity of time at your hands, nobody can read an entire article in a single sitting. So I thought that there should be a way to save the articles so that you can get back to them whenever you want, and read at your own pace.

So that is exactly what it does. You can save your favorite articles and come back to them later, even if you don't have an internet connection!


Offline Wikia currently supports 15 major cinematic and game universes including Game of Thrones and The Elder Scrolls (My Favorite). It uses the wikia API to fetch the data from the Wikia servers.

As mentioned above, you can easily save any article for offline access. Also, if you are using this on a mobile device, you will get the option to add the app to your homescreen. Should you choose to do so, this application will be installed on your device and you will get a complete native application experience. View the gallery to see it in action.

List of supported universes:

Where Can I Find It?

This application is live on Offline Wikia

